October 2014 Fire Prevention Week

October holds the nationally recognized Fire Prevention Week. This year, Fire Prevention week will be held during the week of October 5-11, 2014. SLFD participates in Fire Prevention week by visiting our local schools and teaching kids of all ages about fire safety and how to prevent fires.

The elementary school students receive a more basic lecture and learn about "Stop, Drop, and Roll." For the Fourth and Fifth Grade students, we bring our Fire Safety Trailer along with us and teach about fire safety in the home. What household items could cause a fire in your kitchen, living room, or bedroom? These are just a few of the things we discuss. Our Fire Safety Trailer visits are going to be held during the following week, October 14-17, 2014.

For more information, visit our "Fire Prevention" page on our website by clicking here or by following the links on the left side of your screen. Be sure to read the story about a young boy who saved his family in Ringwood utilizing the information he learned during one of our Fire Prevention visits to his school last year.